“This affectionately rendered fable,
based on a true story, begins with the birth of Maggie and flows into the pivotal events and transitions in her life. As poetic and tender as the text is, and as charming and accomplished as the appealing illustrations are, the best thing about this rural allegory is the quiet connection, the almost dreamlike weaving of the words and images that
informs Maggie’s story. Country kid or city kid will enjoy this captivating parable.”
Bill Engleson
based on a true story, begins with the birth of Maggie and flows into the pivotal events and transitions in her life. As poetic and tender as the text is, and as charming and accomplished as the appealing illustrations are, the best thing about this rural allegory is the quiet connection, the almost dreamlike weaving of the words and images that
informs Maggie’s story. Country kid or city kid will enjoy this captivating parable.”
Bill Engleson